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Ritwika Mukherjee

Neurobiologist & Data Scientist

I'm a neurobiologist and a data scientist, with a fondness for insects. I enjoy applying my diverse skills to find solutions to complex technical problems.


Besides graduating this May from Tufts University, I participated in Insight Data Science in Boston where I built an app to predict duration of service interruption of the commuter rails to save travel time for commuters.


My PhD thesis was to understand the neural and mechanical control of natural behavior in caterpillars. Their biological design helps us understand control of soft robots that have implications in prosthetics, agriculture, and medicine.


When I am not in the lab or coding, I enjoy dancing, taking long walks, or discovering music!



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The control of nocifensive movements in the caterpillar Manduca sexta.

Journal of Experimental Biology. Under review

Mukherjee, R., Caron, D., Edson, T., & Trimmer, B. (2020)


Stepping pattern changes in the caterpillar: the effects of orientation and substrate.

Journal of Experimental Biology

Metallo C., Mukherjee R.,Trimmer B. (2020)


Local and generalized sensitization of thermally evoked defensive behavior

Journal of Comparative Neurology

Mukherjee, R., Trimmer, B. (2019)


Design and Manufacturing of Tendon-Driven Soft Foam Robots


Kastor, N., Mukherjee R., Cohen, E., Vikas, V., Trimmer, B., & White, R. (2019)


The neuromechanics of proleg grip release

Journal of Experimental Biology

Mukherjee, R., Vaughn S., Trimmer, B. (2018)


Locomotion of a Simple Foam Robot

Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines

Kastor, N., Mukherjee R., Cohen, E., Vikas, V., Trimmer, B., & White, R. D. (2017)


What makes eyespots intimidating-the importance of pairedness

BMC Evolutionary Biology

Mukherjee, R. and Kodandaramaiah, U. (2015)


Nanoporous rice husk derived carbon for gas storage and high performance electrochemical energy storage

Journal of Porous Materials

Ganesan, A., Mukherjee R., Jyothish Raj, Shaijumon, M. M. (2014)


Finding hidden females in a crowd: Mate recognition in fig wasps

Acta Oecological

Krishnan, A., Joshi, K. A., Abraham, A., Ayyub, S., Lahiry, M., Mukherjee R. , Javadekar, S. M., Narayan, V. & Borges, R. M. (2014)




Why should we design robots to move like caterpillars?

Why should we design robots to move like caterpillars?

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Tufts 3 MT Thesis Competition where I won second place by talking about the implications of understanding soft-bodied movements in robotics.

Coding Station

Check out some of my data science projects here!

Please contact me to ask about the project I am currently up to!

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pandas, numpy, scikit-learn, seaborn, matplotlib, nltk, tensorflow


electrophysiology, neural signals (EMGs & EEGs), neuroethology,  high-speed video analysis in MATLAB, behavior

Data Science & Machine Learning

data cleaning, web scraping, classification and regression models, cross-validation, survey data, NLP


3D printing, sensor development and communication, machining

Data Visualization

Tableau, Kibana


science writing, public speaking, cross-functional communicator

Tropical Plant

PhD Thesis


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© Ritwika Mukherjee, PhD

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